
PRODUCTION: Storyboard feedback

After giving in a draft for the storyboard for my thriller film trailer, I received some useful feedback that I'll use to further improve my storyboard to get the best mark possible. I mixed up the definitions of diegetic and non-diegetic a few times, so I'll need to fix that. There was also one over-the-shoulder shot that I incorrectly labelled as a close-up. Two of the shots towards the end were too similar which means I'll need to retake one of those shots.

The most important piece of feedback that I got what that I just need to increase the amount of detail that I put into the descriptions of the shots and the audio. I have a lot of knowledge of terminology already, I just need to show that to the examiners so I can get the highest grade I can. This includes explaining what the reason for certain shots are, and what effect the shots have on the audience. 

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