
H&M New Autumn Collection 2016

H&M released an advert for their new autumn clothing collection very recently. On first watching, we can already see that this piece is amazing in terms of positive representation of women. From the diversity of the models used to the portrayal of women in comfortable and empowering environments, this advert positively screams of girl power. It was incredibly refreshing to see an ad that was completely for, and about, women.


Portrayal of Women Within The Media

The image on the left shows an example of a print advert that was around during the 1950s. It shows a woman with a surprised look on her face next to a bottle, with the caption, ‘You mean a woman can open it?’ The image below is of a woman with wide-eyes and a bitten lip clutching a steering wheel in a print advert for the Mini Automatic during the 1970s. The caption reads, ‘The Mini Automatic. For simple driving.’